
31 October 2019

October 2019

Torre de la Horadada

The Promenade
2nd October. Chris and John departed yesterday leaving us to enjoy their house for the winter and we spent the rest of the day doing shopping and getting our kit organised. Glynn had already made contact with Torrevieja U3A cycle group so today saw us up early to find our way to Los Dolses to meet the group for their ride. Their destination for today was San Miguel de Salinas via the canal path which runs from Cartagena in the south towards Orihuela, just south of Alicante. Although the pace was much slower it was a great way to start learning about the area as we didn't know about the canal path and had cycled the much hillier road way to meet the group. We stopped at a great little cafe called the Nut House in San Miguel which seemed very popular judging by the number of people there. Legend has it that it got its name from the days before it held a drink licence so you would order some nuts and then get a free beer with it!! I was delighted to discover that our coffees came with a lovely little muffin on the side, not exactly low carb friendly but hey, we all need a bit of sugar sometimes!! It was great to meet so many people so early in our stay and we were given loads of information on the area. It looks like this could be a fun and active winter indeed!! It was a nice gentle 44km ride and armed with all our new information it had been a very productive day. 

Traffic jam on the canal path

3rd October. Armed with a better understanding of the area we headed straight for the canal path just north of Pilar de la Horadada and turned left. Some areas of the canal path were covered in dirt and debris from the recent gota fria storm that had caused substantial damage in the area but it was still possible to cycle easily along the path. We continued on for some time before taking one of the many roads that link to the path and headed south towards Los Alcazares on the Mar Menor. We must have taken the worst road possible as it was well overdue for resurfacing and we rattled and bumped our way for nearly 10 kms before reaching the coast. The damage from the gota fria was also evident all along the Mar Menor although it didn't detract from the beauty of the views. After a coffee stop we decided to head back along the coast road  rather than experience the bumpy route back to the canal path and we got back in no time, a nice 52 km ride.

Embalse de la Pedrera
6th October. After a couple of relaxing days enjoying the local beach and doing some lovely walks in the glorious sunshine we decided to head out on another ride today. Glynn had been looking at the map and suggested we ride to Torremende which appeared to involve a few nice climbs without being too taxing. We were amazed at how hot it still was for October as we had expected it to be cooler, most days it was hitting around 30°. It was a fantastic route that took us up through Pilar de la Horadada and past Pinar de Campoverde. There was a really nice balance of climbs and descents and the slightly steeper sections were short and sweet making them bearable in the heat. We found a lovely little cafe in the town and enjoyed a nice coffee before heading towards a lake we had spotted on our ride in to the town. It turned out to be the edge of the Embalse de la Pedrera reservoir but we couldn't find the road to get us closer so we decided to save that for another day. A very nice 50 km ride. 

8th October. As we had done little yesterday other than visit the huge market at San Pedro Del Pinitar to get our vegetables and then chill on the terrace we decided to head out on the bikes again today. We had been told there was a cycle path that ran all the way to Torrevieja so we set off in search of it. It was easy to find the cycle path just at the top of the town however it clearly hadn't been maintained in some while and maybe the recent gota fria storm had added to the state of it. It wasn't a route I would do again but we made it to Torrevieja and stopped for a coffee break. As I hadn't enjoyed the route I suggested we head inland towards San Miguel and head home via the canal path. In spite of being a main road it felt very safe and traffic was minimal so we were making good time when I suddenly heard that dreaded sound, a loud hissing noise from Glynn's rear tyre!! Note to self..... carry wet wipes as it's always Glynn's rear tyre that punctures and he ends up with chain oil over his hands. The spare tube had a previous repair that clearly hadn't been done very well as we only got another 1km up the road before it had gone flat. Stupidly we hadn't brought a repair kit with us as we had the spare tube so a quick google showed there was a bike shop in San Miguel and we would have to be quick to get there before they closed for a long lunch break. As we were 4 kms from the town we did a fast walk which in that heat and wearing cycle shoes was not easy!! We caught the bike shop just as they were about to close early so we made it in the nick of time. New inner tube purchased and fitted and we headed over to the Nut House for coffee and a muffin before back along the canal path. It was a very nice (well most of it!!) 55km ride. Time for a visit to Decathlon for more inner tubes I think!!

Embalse de la Pedrera
9th October. We did a really lovely ride today. After setting off early to ride to Los Dolses to meet some of the U3A group we then carried on to San Miguel to meet the rest of the group so there were thirteen of us in total on today's ride. We did a stunning route that took us around the Emblase de la Pedrera reservoir. It was a nice mixture of climbs and descents with nothing too taxing and after a coffee break in Torremendo we headed back to San Miguel. After another leisurely coffee break myself and Glynn set off back to the canal path with 2 of the cyclists, Neil and Jackie, who lived near us in Pilar. When we got back we had done a very nice 75kms. This was the longest ride I had done on the test saddle and I was really impressed that I'd managed a decent length ride with no discomfort but as it had been a very casual ride because of the differing abilities of the U3A riders I was looking forward to testing its comfort level on a normal faster ride.

San Javier
11th October. Today we went out for a ride with Jackie and Neil and headed towards San Cayetano along the canal path and then after a quick coffee break we cycled down to San Javier and then Santiago de la Ribera on the Mar Menor. By this time we had progressed from coffee to caña, well there is only so much coffee you can drink!! We then cycled along the coastal roads and they showed us a track that cut through from Lo Pagán to El Mojón via the nature reserve, avoiding the need to cycle the N332 back. It was a great route and we did a very pleasant 43kms. Another thumbs up for the saddle comfort. 

13th October. After a quick 36km training ride to San Cayetano we headed back home so Glynn could watch the Japan/Scotland rugby game. After the game Jackie and Neil picked us up and took us to San Luis Square  in Torrevieja to see The Big Jam.  An entertaining afternoon where singers and musicians get together and perform a variety of songs and people get up and dance. It was great fun and Jackie told us about modern jive classes that are run by Paso A Paso in the area so we decided we would check it out out as we'd had a few bachata classes when we were in Goa last winter so we liked the idea of learning modern jive and it added a new dimension to our activities. 

16th October. After a couple of quiet days enforced on us by some rain normal weather has resumed and the sun is shining again. Today we went on another bike ride with Jackie and Neil to San Miguel de Salinas clocking up a nice 52 Kms, another decent length to test the new saddle which was so far passing every test. Wednesday evenings the jive classes are held at the Olympia in Mil Palmeras which is not far from us so we spent the evening learning our first jive moves and we had a great time. Everyone was so friendly and we soon picked up the basics. During the free-style dance session afterwards we were both asked up several times by various members and it is amazing how well you can dance when being expertly led by someone who knows what they are doing. Poor Glynn had the disadvantage as he is expected to lead but the women were gently with him and led him instead. We videoed the routine we had learnt so that we would be able to practice all week. We had also been told about a badminton club at the local sports centre several times a week so guess where we will be at 10am tomorrow!! 

20th October. After a hectic 2 hours of badminton on Thursday and walking round the enormous market at a Torrevieja followed by a very fast 40km ride to San Cayetano on Friday we spent yesterday just strolling along the beautiful seafront to ease our poor aching muscles!! With bad weather forecast for the coming days and the potential for another gota fria storm we went out on the bikes again while the sun was still shining and did a lovely 37km ride to Lo Romero and then down to the Mar Menor.

23rd October. Rain might have stopped us cycling but it didn't interfere with badminton. After 2 hours of badminton yesterday we went back again today as I was advised there was a coach available on Wednesdays and to be fair some guidance wouldn't go amiss based on my current level of ability. I did have to feel sorry for whoever got drawn as my partner in each game and I look forward to the day I don't need to make my apologies at the start of every game. On the plus side I can only get better!! The coaching session was great and I left there optimistic for my chances of occasionally winning a game!. An evening of Jive practice in Mil Palmeras rounded off a very nice but hectic day and I don't think I crushed too many toes in the process.

Enjoying the sunset
26th October. We've enjoyed a very relaxing couple of days and our friends Jan and Del, who live in Calpe, came to stay for a night so we had a great evening catching up as we would being with them in Goa this winter. Today after watching England beat the All Blacks in the semi final of the rugby World Cup we decided to head out on a quick training ride but the weather was so beautiful we got carried away and ended up doing 62kms exploring lots of the local areas that link to the canal path. To stretch our legs afterwards we did a lovely walk along the seafront just before sunset when the temperature was a very comfortable low 20's. 

view from Conesa castle restaurant
27th October. After watching Wales lose to South Africa in the other semi-final we decided to mirror the route around the Embalse de la Pedrera that we had done with the U3A group albeit with the freedom to do it at a much faster pace. It really is a wonderfully scenic ride and with a couple of 10% gradients thrown in it gives a good balance to a ride. We stopped at the Nut House in San Miguel for a coffee and as it was really busy we were invited to join a local Spaniard and his mate that were enjoying a beer. We had a lovely chat with them while drinking our coffee. Their English level matched our Spanish so we managed quite a good chat and a bit of sign language filled the gaps in understanding. After carrying on and cycling round the reservoir we headed back via the main road as there are a couple of nice climbs as you head towards Pinar de Campoverde. A very nice 70 km ride although the test saddle failed to keep me comfortable today so maybe my seating position when doing climbs accounted for that? We will see as the weeks progress.

Conesa Castle
30th October. After a terrible badminton session yesterday when I was convinced I had no strings in my racket we went to the sports centre again this morning so that I could have another coaching session. There were 4 of us wanting help this week so John, our coach, had us doing all sorts of exercises to improve our game before letting us loose with the main games. I felt much better and even managed to be on a winning team a couple of times. Afterwards we dashed home for a quick shower before cycling back to the centre to meet Neil and Jackie. We had arranged to cycle to Conesa Castle at San Miguel where the restaurant does a fantastic choice for a 3 course menu del dia at only €8.95. This was our second visit as myself and Glynn had driven over for lunch one day after it had been recommended to us. We were so impressed we invited Jackie and Neil to join us and decided to cycle there. It would hopefully help counteract the tiramisu that I planned on having for dessert!! We enjoying a really chilled afternoon in a fabulous setting and we were all rather full when it came time to cycle home. Being a Wednesday meant it was jive night at Mil Palmeras so it was another quick shower and then a quick practice jive around the lounge before we set off for the Olympia bar. It had been a really busy day with 2 hours of badminton, a 44km cycle ride and 3 hours of jive. We were shattered when we got home!!

With Jackie and Neil at Conesa Castle

31st October. We spent the last day of the month taking it easy after such a busy time yesterday so I baked a few cookies and some brownies before we enjoyed a nice walk along the beach. We have now been in Torre de la Horadada for a month and it has far exceeded our expectations. We have been introduced to so many lovely people and discovered there is so much to do with the badminton, jive lessons, the cycling and the beautiful walks. It really is a stunning area and offers so much. There are more activities, such as paddle tennis, that we haven't tried but to be fair I'm not sure we can fit anything else in. I'm impressed at how cheap everything is as a 2 hour badminton session is only €2 and an evening learning to jive is €6. I have never felt so fit. The weather is far hotter than I expected for this time of year and seems to be averaging around 27° most days with the occasional day where it was over 30°. I was initially worried we would miss our usual winter in Goa but I have to say that so far this area of Spain is making a very good substitute and actually has a lot more to offer. We have an exciting challenge ahead as Glynn has signed up to do the Cycling Down Dementia challenge which by default means I will be doing it too. This means we will be cycling 1600 kms (1000 MLS) over the next 3 months to raise money for Alzheimer's Research UK. Following Glynn's mums diagnosis it is a cause close to our hearts right now so we look forward to doing our best to raise money for them. 
The Mar Menor

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